
yes no maybe

Boys are from Mars , Girls reside in Venus .
Girls consult the mind, Boys consult the penis .
Boys said to be logical, Girls burdened by the emo .
Why are we concerned with these 'facts' wherever we go ?

So worried by gender expectations ,
confused, constrained, our lives a constant demonstration ...
of the failures of our sexes . wonderin who the next is,
cause we messed up too much, blew off who coulda been the bestest .

Girls are clingy, Boys are dogs .
So absorbed with the "sayings", but theyre mirrors & fog .
Im not just a 'fe' and you arent just 'some guy'
Some people break boundaries, not even asking why .

Let's not have hang ups on the general .
and i wont have to hang up when i think youre bein 'typical' .
Boys and Girls have different genetics
but cheatin, jealous, lyin ? that's straight up pathetic .

Beyond the gender rules, we're simply human .
we can love and exceed wherever we've been .
I've never been like everyone around me
I wont start now, about as far as i see . . .

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