kill that picturesque illusion of your fairy tale .
slash those weights of "ravishing romance" that keep you hindered .
"I know he's no good for me , BUT . . ."
today, i speak from a perspective of the friend who gives advice . today, i speak from the angle of the friend who is tired . fed-up . confused . guilty . worried . abused. misunderstood and sick .
I am a listener , but i am not a subdued one . I am speaking today for every girl who is the "mom" of the group or the "advice giver" of their friends or even just a "comfort giver" . We dont like your F-grade, no-good, lying, disrespectful, abusive (physically, emotionally), deceitful, cheating, arrogant, manipulative, insecure boyfriend . HELLOOOOOO ? As a caring, honest friend, . . . why would i be okay with seeing my bestfriends cry everynight ? why would i be content knowing that my friend thinks of herself as less than the queen that she is ? how can you expect me to support the distruction of my friend's self-esteem, future, and possibly life ?
We [the listening friends] are tiredddd of hearing you lie to us and say that youre done with him (for the 20,000th time) . We are tired of you telling us that 'he aint shxt' and seeing him in your car in two days . We are tired of hearing this same thing : "Im not perfect like you" "Im not as strong as you" "I cant BE you" . No one is asking you to be us . We are asking you to appreciate & love yourself . That's all . The phone calls at 3am crying . The emo days . WE, the ones who love you, are tired .
slash those weights of "ravishing romance" that keep you hindered .
"I know he's no good for me , BUT . . ."
today, i speak from a perspective of the friend who gives advice . today, i speak from the angle of the friend who is tired . fed-up . confused . guilty . worried . abused. misunderstood and sick .
I am a listener , but i am not a subdued one . I am speaking today for every girl who is the "mom" of the group or the "advice giver" of their friends or even just a "comfort giver" . We dont like your F-grade, no-good, lying, disrespectful, abusive (physically, emotionally), deceitful, cheating, arrogant, manipulative, insecure boyfriend . HELLOOOOOO ? As a caring, honest friend, . . . why would i be okay with seeing my bestfriends cry everynight ? why would i be content knowing that my friend thinks of herself as less than the queen that she is ? how can you expect me to support the distruction of my friend's self-esteem, future, and possibly life ?
We [the listening friends] are tiredddd of hearing you lie to us and say that youre done with him (for the 20,000th time) . We are tired of you telling us that 'he aint shxt' and seeing him in your car in two days . We are tired of hearing this same thing : "Im not perfect like you" "Im not as strong as you" "I cant BE you" . No one is asking you to be us . We are asking you to appreciate & love yourself . That's all . The phone calls at 3am crying . The emo days . WE, the ones who love you, are tired .
stop holding on to some fabricated fairy tale . cause in all actuality , aholes dont change after the 5th screw up . i dont know what novel you were reading . . . smh . have some diginity in yourself and take what you deserve in life ! perhaps you dont have faith in a happy ending at all ?
the fed-up, overworked friend .
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