women .
stop planning out your life to the 'T' . maybe Spelman has put some things into a different perspective for me , but i see girls who walk around campus like their balancing their agenda on their heads . it's almost like i can read their life plan in their eyes & it scares me . if one curve ball is thrown in their direction, they don't even know how to function . they know what school they'll attend in 3 years, what law firm they'll apply to, when they'll fall in love, what age they will marry, & when they will have kids . honestly, when i turn 68 years old & someone asks me what i'm most proud of , i'll be damned if i say...
"well uhm , im most proud of sticking to my five year career goal and doing everything like i planned ."
instead, i want to tell people about the spontaneous moments, my random road trips, the times i almost [but didn't] get arrested, the passion, the love, the love lost, the heartbreak, the booty shorts, drawing my name in the sand with toes, the high heels, the drunken nights, the plans that failed & the plans that succeeded .
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