
twitter, the coldhearted crack .

so, im scrollin around CNN.com (because im a loser from 2:25 to 3:40 on tuesdays and thursdays) . i come across this little article saying that sites like "Twitter" & "Facebook" have caused a discrepancy in adolescent's ability for compassion .

"New findings show that the streams of information provided by social networking sites are too fast for the brain's "moral compass" to process and could harm young people's emotional development. "

" Before the brain can fully digest the anguish and suffering of a story, it is being bombarded by the next news bulletin or the latest Twitter update, according to a University of Southern California study. "

so basically, all these frickin status updates are popping up too quickly for us to care about . for example, if Ivana Humpalot puts up a status that she is having the worst day of her life, we (the readers) will not be able to stir up compassion fast enough to avoid the other status' that distract us as they appear .

the article goes on to explain how brain scans showed that humans react quickly to stories about physical pain and violence. however, they took relatively longer to respond to emotional and turmoil of others. society has been slapped in the face with so much "reality" tv and technological updates that people grow indifferent to the concept of understanding. The story suggests that we need an adequate amount of time to let our minds digest & reflect on information. think about it .

cheggitouuuuuut: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/ptech/04/14/twitter.study/index.html

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