
innie minnie mienie moe .

so . im writing stories all over the place (especially in my creative writing class). but im not 100% sure which route i want to go with my first story . these are snippets of stories . i would REALLY like your guys feedback [you can comment as anonymous, text me, formspring me, or whatever . . . just lemme know your opinion] . which story makes you want to read more ? which story appeals to you the most as a reader ? There's no right answer, just your answer :) thanks !!

story #1:
I walked into the bathroom and my stomach plummeted. The air was thick and a horrendous stench crept into my nose quickly. The aroma in the air was similar to the scenario of rotten fish, boiled eggs, and feces shoved into a blender. The smell was so strong that I could taste the repulsive smoothie blend in the back of my tongue. My stomach turned into back flips and I grasped my mouth as a wave of ‘things eaten today’ splashed into my chest, rose up my throat, through my lips and onto the sticky floor beneath me . . .

story #2:
He said he was from Rochester, New York. I was not impressed, until I visited. The sky is filled with clouds; they are thick, dark clouds that look like dark denim cotton candy. The structures are small and short with hundreds of windows that bounce light off of their neighboring buildings. Little streetlights carve the skeleton of the lake that glistens in serenity. All of the city’s light is reflecting on this water which creates warm yellows and reds on the lake. It is simply gorgeous. The night I fell in love with Rochester, New York was the same night I found my soul mate … and the same night I found out I was already pregnant by another man . . .

story #3:
She had long, black hair that hung and swung, just at the bending of her knees. That hair of hers was so black and glossy that it gave the illusion the midnight blue sky. As i stared in enchantment, someone called her name. As she spun around, her full sleeve of tattoos bounced off of the sunlight. A multi-colored peacock, yellow sunflowers, and blue waves blended on her arm to create a breath-taking picture on her ivory canvas. In the middle of the visionary skin ink, there stood a pink ribbon that twisted around the peacock's neck, through a sunflower petal, and sunk into the blue water. She motioned me and I slowly followed her into her room. Gently, she pulled her dark, shiny hair off of her head and placed it on the wig manikin with care. Her naked head glistened against her bedroom light and she smiled warmly, "diagnosed five months ago and stop staring. it's f*cking rude."


  1. One was pretty graphic, I wouldn't go with it. I prefer 2, The way you described everything allowed me to visualize what you were thinking as you were writing. I like 3 but the end was funny and if someone wasn't pay attention, they could easily skip the cancer reference.

  2. thanks so much for the feedback :)
