
testimony timeeeeee :)

so .
i have been looking for a job for months . online applications, going to old town, going to the mall . blah blah blah . banana republic, juicy, random stores that i never even heard of before . never printed out so many resume's in my life .

then this week while i was travelin to UCLA and over there on la cienega to my cousin's... i went broke . no money, no gas, nada .

then, i go to church today . i walk out of the room and i run to see a friend of mine...kelinda .
now, kelinda is a saint on earth . seriously, its not like me to say something like that because im a very skeptical person . but seriously, God works through her and speaks to her . ill blog some more about her 'gift' some other time tho. but yeah, She takes me out to eat sometimes and we catch up, but i hadnt spoken with her for about 3 months . anywho...

i say "kelinda!" and she says "hey! you look gorgeous...(blah blah lol) ... Oh by the way, God spoke to me and told me that you need a job & that you're going to work for me this summer . so, come in on Monday to j.jill and you can start on tuesday."

i almost cried . God is too Good .

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