
outstretched palms .

every year i blow out an extra candle on my birthday cake . for every flame that's extinguished on the wax, another morsel of warmth in the world is pushed away as well . "either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain ." the more breaths you take in life, the more you see the wrong in the world . it's scary how it can take something out of you .

society wonders how people can do things like gangbang, steal, lie, or backstab each other . if a person is born into an environment that is selfish, full of deceit, negativity, and violence ... morality can seem like a fairytale . my friend asked me, "in school... how come its so easy to go from an A to a F, but so hard to go from an F to an A ?" the same thing applies to CHARACTER . some people are born in an "F" situation and its so hard to believe in things in the world that are genuine & real . others are born in an "A" upbringing, but encounter so many baleful people ... that they lose faith in the act of H U M A N I T Y .

im no idiot ... this summer, i have met & made some real friends . some others are called "friends" as a mere casualty . smiling in my face, but sneaking behind my back ... yet & still, i know everything smh . & that kind of stuff can grow a fungus of distrust in hearts . my friends getting their hearts broken, people using you, people starving, folks being killed, financial woes, corrupt governments, illness, and messed up circumstances . i just refuse to let the hardships of life to make me into a hard person . if 98 out of 100 people in the world fell into corruption, i would want person #99 to have some faith in me ...


  1. brilliant...jus brilliant

    fav. lines"how come its so easy to go from an A to a F, but so hard to go from an F to an A ?" the same thing applies to CHARACTER . some people are born in an "F" situation and its so hard to believe in things in the world that are genuine & real . others are born in an "A" upbringing, but encounter so many baleful people ... that they lose faith in the act of H U M A N I T Y ."

    u r so so so gud...u must write a book now!!!

  2. greatest outlook on life i've ever encountered... too few people have optimism nowadays. Smile Stevi, and keep this blog "blooming".

  3. F4DC40525ACohenD300B3713CJanuary 04, 2025 12:41 PM

    ig takipçi
