
um, the hoax is up .

control .

when we were two years old, we started to realize that our actions had consequences . if we walked somewhere, we would arrive . if we asked mommy for food, we would get an answer . most importantly, we saw how much control we have over our own bodies . we would be raising our hands, twisting our heads, wiggling our feet ...

today . we have brainwashed ourself into believing that we have lost control . "it just happened... i dont know what came over me . i couldnt help myself..." nothing "just happens" . you came over yourself". you could help it . we have full control when we cheat on our loved ones, when we have sex with everything walking , when we go back to a boyfriend/girlfriend who treats us like dirt . We have full control when we gossip about our "friends" and make people feel like they are less than human . We say that we have no control to hide from this aspect of responsibility . Taking responsibility for our actions puts a glove of accountability on our soul . accepting that we have control has the power to create guilt when we didnt exercise self-control like we should have .

So instead, we have convinced ourselves that control is not cool . We want to run into life's traffic with our eyes closed because we're afraid of being liable. If we were "so turnt" that night, you want to pretend that it wasnt really you who punched that guy in the face . If you were "zooted", then it couldnt of been you who had sex with those guys at the party . Well i'd just like to know ...

what brand are those rose-colored glasses ?
controlling oneself is not about following rules . its about power . having the power to say i can choose what i want to do...i am capable of following my spirit, rather than my flesh .

"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control" Proverbs 25:28

*Galatians 5:22-23
*2 Peter 1:5-8

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