" you've changed =/ "
that was in my "honesty" box the other day . that's all . there was nothing more at all, as if to tease my mind and soul with some empty declaration about my character .
i learned almost three years ago that change is inevitable in life . As much as you fight, scratch, and pull at God's feet ... he has a plan and "change" in your life . People are born, people die, people become famous, people move away, people change . Life's lessons and experiences have changed me, yes . death, heartache, betrayal, disappointment, and life has changed me . I am a harder person . I am a colder person in some aspects of my life . However, i dont regret who ive become . I am a stronger person . I embrace life more than i ever have before . I love my family and friends more , appreciate them for their love & support . I can see the sincerity in people now . I am a more honest person (with others and myself). Life's insignificant nuances dont sway me . I dont try to please everyone anymore . I live for God, family, REAL friends and what i feel is right for me . I am happy and embracing life full force . I like my change .
I dont think the mystery person meant to be malicious or disrespectful . Perhaps it was just something for me to think about . However, if they knew me before i "changed" ... then they would know that i never have and never will ...LIVE FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S APPROVAL .
that was in my "honesty" box the other day . that's all . there was nothing more at all, as if to tease my mind and soul with some empty declaration about my character .
hmm . they are so right . i have changed . However, is change not needed for the survival, existence, and success in life ? Why does change always have to be a bad thing? If i was still the same person that i was in second grade then i'd be crying because you dont want to "play with me" or losing my sweater at work everyday .i learned almost three years ago that change is inevitable in life . As much as you fight, scratch, and pull at God's feet ... he has a plan and "change" in your life . People are born, people die, people become famous, people move away, people change . Life's lessons and experiences have changed me, yes . death, heartache, betrayal, disappointment, and life has changed me . I am a harder person . I am a colder person in some aspects of my life . However, i dont regret who ive become . I am a stronger person . I embrace life more than i ever have before . I love my family and friends more , appreciate them for their love & support . I can see the sincerity in people now . I am a more honest person (with others and myself). Life's insignificant nuances dont sway me . I dont try to please everyone anymore . I live for God, family, REAL friends and what i feel is right for me . I am happy and embracing life full force . I like my change .
I dont think the mystery person meant to be malicious or disrespectful . Perhaps it was just something for me to think about . However, if they knew me before i "changed" ... then they would know that i never have and never will ...LIVE FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S APPROVAL .
another dope post, organisms are supposed to change we cant stay a fetus forever, who ever said that has a young feeble mind and they have alot to learn in this world.