this weekend , i drove down to san diego w. ely & martee . we rode bikes along the coast and saw the prettiest view . we stopped at the beach and got to talking . and of course i got to thinking . as we sat and talked about our plans for the future, i was interested . we have so many aspirations that are so big . some were to start their own health clinics across the world . some were to start their own business . some to simply travel from africa to spain to tokyo with their better half . some were to be happy with her husband ; we had sooo much in store and i started to wonder ...
why dont people dream big ?
langston asked what happens to a dream differed . i believe it's simply left there and wasted until someone with enough spirit and passion picks it up, dusts it off, and puts it in their pocket . we sometimes act as if our dreams are only entitled to us . a dream is not a BCBG dress that hangs in the back of our closet to be worn . its bigger than that . its more important than that . its your aknowledgement of enlightenment . only the ignorant believe that the world is confined to their hometown . there is so much out in the world waiting to be grabbed . smiles . experiences . laughs . tears . compassion . humanity . love .
dreams of starting a company are not ridiculous . they are as tangible as the belief in yourself to do it . sure, you might say that belief isnt tangible ... but spiritually it is . simply reach out and grab it . dreams of finding mr./mrs. right . dreams of having a healthy, fun, breathtaking marriage are not unrealistic . its only crazy when you contradict your aspiration ...settling for less . i have to admit, that is every girl's dream . after 19 years of "people", my belief in them has been abused . Nevertheless, i keep the desire to prove my experiences wrong ; with God, love, honesty, respect and trust ...anything is possible .
please dream . id hate to have to put your dreams in my purse -_-

Its funny when people say that success and their dreams could never be reached because of the circumstance because we get the opportunity to achieve our dreams many times in our life time, its our choice to actually reach out and grabb what is in front of us.