Lately, it seems as though I hear the term “sociopath” being
used in sermons and articles. It’s such an ugly word that has so many
implications. In fact, the word is so scary that people reserve it for horror
movies and psychologist offices (btw, sociopaths are not the same thing as psychopaths). Let me reassure you, sociopaths are among us
more often than you’d expect. I keep hearing stories from friends who deal with
the most cruel people in their relationships. Quite frankly, they are dating sociopaths.
The main traits of a sociopath:
superficial charm
inflated view of self-worth, cocky, braggart
pathological lying
parasitic lifestyle
lack of empathy
failure to accept responsibility for ones own
lack of remorse or guilt
10. conning
and manipulative

I know it seems like I am being harsh on this guy, but I’m
not. In fact, I am not even speaking about him as a person. Instead, I am
speaking about a sociopath- layers and smoke and mirrors that have been placed
on a real human being. Sociopaths become so engulfed in their nonsense that
they lose their sense of self. What’s worse? A lot of the time, they harm
numerous people and relationships around them.
They come in all shapes and sizes: best friends, relatives,
boyfriends, girlfriends, associates, employers, celebrities, and strangers.
They will leave you feeling drained and even worse, feeling like you're to blame.
Sociopaths – because of their charm and manipulation- have a way of making you
feel guilty for the failed relationships. You’ll feel responsible for their
happiness and dependent on their attention. Perhaps you need to reevaluate some
of your relationships. Are you getting as much as you’re receiving?
Emotionally, intimately, effort, and respect are all things that should be
under consideration. If you are a sociopath reading this post (which 9 times out of 10, they think to highly of themselves to take accountability for being a sociopath), check yourself ... douche bag.
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