I know you hate all the attention, spotlight, and mushiness associated with these goodbyes. I know lol. But i just have to say that you have been such an inspiring and generous person over the past four years. I am so proud of you and I truly admire your humility and grounded behavior. All my love, Stevi,
I know you hate all the attention, spotlight, and mushiness associated with these goodbyes. I know lol. But i just have to say that you have been such an inspiring and generous person over the past four years. I am so proud of you and I truly admire your humility and grounded behavior. All my love, Stevi,
I love you so much Ray Ray J. A lot of times, people undervalue the contribution of a drama-free, easygoing friend. Because of your light-hearted spirit and grounded soul, Spelman’s freshmen nonsense never seeped into my pours. You are beautiful, brilliant, and so loving. You let us into your house and shared "momma pittman" with us. I appreciate everything. Love you!
JAMMM JAMM! Lol. Jamila, you are a remarkable human being.
You have broken so many barriers and stereotypes in your hometown of Baltimore
and here at Spelman. I am so proud of you, 4.0 this semester, job offer and Phi Beta Kappa! Your drive and focus
has inspired me more than you know. Beyond the accolades, I am proud of you for
so many other personal reasons. It is much harder to persist over personal
diversity than academic. You are such a treasure to me and continue to amaze
me. I love you and I know those little rugrats in upstate NY are in good hands
Lea Zora,
Shmlea, as much as I roll my eyes and smirk
at you- I promise, it is all out of love lol. Lea, you have been SO vital in my
matriculation through Spelman College. When I almost decided to stay home in
2010, you encouraged me to come back and generously offered up your home to me.
I know you had a lot to deal with and I thank you for your encouragement and
selflessness. I am so proud of you, and I am so proud of the woman you have
become. You are “prime real estate” and more than capable of taking the world
by storm. Stay grounded in God and believing in yourself. Love you.
Brenny, I am so happy that you called me out Sophomore year
for being a bad Spelman sister. If you didn’t, I would have never had the
chance to meet such an outstanding brother. You have no idea how much your
grounded, positive energy means to me. As a woman, living in the AUC can make
you feel like a piece of meat and/or undervalued. You always appreciated the
woman I was and my values. It means a lot bro bro. Stay you. Stay positive.
Stay incredible.
There is a reason why Lea calls us
“Fah-stevi” lol. I have never met someone who understood me quite like you. You are
truly one of my best and truest friends. It’s crazy; I don’t trust many people
enough to give me advice on life. However, I truly value your opinions and
contributions to my growth as a woman. I mean that. We never cared about the
hype and drama of the AUC because we had our share in high school. Thanks for
being so easygoing and drama-free. You have been the ear I needed when
confiding in you about boys, school, the loss of Samantha, my mother, and most
importantly, God. I am honored to be a witness to your growing faith and walk
with God. We both know, at the end of this … our faith is all that will sustain
us. No matter how far we stray, God will be our “home base” and you will always
be my sister. I love you Tima, thank you.

I’m so sick about losing you and I have yet to completely
come to terms with your death. Yet, I want to thank you for all of your love
and support. Your struggle with sickle cell was … heartbreaking and ugly and incomprehensible.
Somehow, you always had leftover love for people as insignificant as myself.
You always understood the importance of finding love – in ways that no one else
could. You kept me humble and knowing that a person is nothing if they have not
loved. In spite of the heartbreak, we always had each other. There are times
when I still pick up the phone to call you to vent and laugh and I miss you SO
much. Howard University missed out on one hell of a graduate this year. Rest in
peace sis.
Stephanie Renee Darden,
Gorgeous flowers mean absolutely nothing without the substantial
roots of the tree. Mom, people compliment me on my grace and keen mind. The
woman I have become today would mean absolutely nothing without your foundation
and investment in me. I finally did it. I am graduating on Sunday and I wish
more than anything that you could see me crossing that stage. I did this for
you. There were times that I did not want to face the day, but your investment
in me was the motivation to breathe, to sit up, to push. Your love was the
encouragement thus far and I love you so much for that. You always told me I
was special. You always told me I was worthy of love, worthy of respect. Mom,
the things you didn’t say were set in your example and I thank you. I have yet
to see a stronger, more elegant woman and I do not think I ever will. There are
some lessons that you did not get the chance to teach, but I realize that those
moments help to construct who I am as Stevi. I would give anything to hear you
screeching my name as I receive my diploma. I am resting assured, however, that
you will be screeching from a front row seat in heaven. I love you, I miss you,
rest in peace.
I thank you for loving me and cherishing me throughout this
process. I thank you for the plans you have for me that have yet to become a
reality. I thank you for our relationship and your presence in my life. As hard
as it is to say, I thank you for my heartache and loss. Those things made me
strong and wise. Although I may lose sight from time to time, I know where my
center is Lord … that is with you. Thank you for keeping me in my darkest hours
and giving me the shine I do not deserve. You and I both know that it is merely
your grace and mercy that allowed me to get this far. A lot of times, I
teetered on the fence between tapping out and pushing forward. Thank you for
Congratulations Stevie!! I wish great things for you! I hope you are doing well, we miss you! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Sarah! I miss you guys too. Hope all is well :)
ReplyDeletecongrats vivi
ReplyDeletei wish you best of luck..
thanks so much. i really appreciate that :)
ReplyDeleteThis was so special. I shed a tear or two on your shout out's to Sam, your Mom, and the Lord. You are an amazing young woman Stevi and I am very impressed, and very proud of you. You have really matured over the years and have always been so articulate. You don;t not understand how important that is. You have charisma girl! I'm excited for whatever is coming next for you and have had the pleasure of (from a distance) watching you grow. I pray that God keeps you and I admire your strength and beauty, inside and out. An excellent role model and purely genuine. Best of Luck in your future and if you ever wanna take a trip to DC, I am here! :)