... but you can call him genious .
'cause who knew it would take a man in a pastel polo to change the hip hop world ?
i can only testify for myself :
i am a kanye-ER. since i heard through the wire, i felt his sincerity. i felt his humor. i felt the level of the game, shift from beneath my feet & push me up until my ears popped . it was a high .
he was the underdog speaking to everyone with loser tendencies. the ones who were too honest about being insecure. the ones who were thirsty for a shot to prove themselves . between singing jesus walks in the car with my brother, and putting on my ghetto voice to say 'you mean talib, lyrics stick to ya rib? [i mean] thats my favorite cd that i play at my crib [i mean] you dont really know him...whyyy is you lyin?' i was hooked . he was simply too real for hip hop .
the next song that changed my life: flashing lights. i was driving in my car, top down in september when i popped the cd in with dallas . the beat dropped , and so did our heads . we screamed 'ooooooooooooh!'. i felt like a boy, but i didnt care, that song brought out the best in me . the beat was too sweet and hard at the same time. i fell in love.he gave me the dose of medicine that i never had as a child. i needed my kanye vaccine to deprive me of all the 'finger snappin, bling poppin, shootin niggas music'.
the realest song i ever heard. the drums tangled in my mind for hours and hours. the hollow beats and notes off in the distance made me picture myself with stones and water. crazy. he spoke with so much passion 'i admit i still fantasize about you'. it made me wonder who hurt him? can i hurt them? haha . SAY YOU WILL made me come to life . boom boom bing bing boom bing . before i heard that song, i felt like i stayed awake and sleep deprived for ten months. when i heard it, i felt like my body finally collapsed into 808 thousand count egyptian cotton sheets .
kanye west , my hero .