here's a feeling hurter .
i hate lowlife enablers .
if you dont know what im talking about, then just look around . Regardless of the city, town, county or country ...there are always low life enablers . let me explain : now , when i say enablers ... i mean they enable you. they enable you to do absolutely N0THING . they make excuses for you to be a bum . this term is used for people who have nothing going for themselves & want to hold you down as well . they hate on you for having dreams and ambition . they tear down your efforts to get ahead in life . they pretend like they have your best interest in mind, but in all actuality ... you BOTH know that their suggestions are tainted .
you know you can hear it in their voice . they make little snide remarks to make you feel less inadequate . in their voice, you can see the jealousy in the air . you can taste it . you want to brush it off as their insecurities and you feel for them ...but at the same time , we are adults . when is enough ...enough ? we're too old not to know how to be good friends . we're too old not to take responsibility for our laziness and situation . you want to go off to college and your friends criticize you for it . you want to settle down with someone you care about and your friends tell you youre wack ? you want to pursue modeling on the side and your friends tear down your appearance ... "only joking of course" . you want to get ahead & they want you to stay behind , with them . Thats the thing about "enabler lowlifes" ... they dont want to pass you up in life , they just want you to be on the same ...low ... playing field .
dont get me too wrong . we have friends that genuinely want the best for us . we have friends who love us and want to see us happy . however, if your friend's suggestion makes absolutely no sense . Or if their suggestion only benefits them ... look a little deeper , analyze that friendship .
i hate lowlife enablers .
if you dont know what im talking about, then just look around . Regardless of the city, town, county or country ...there are always low life enablers . let me explain : now , when i say enablers ... i mean they enable you. they enable you to do absolutely N0THING . they make excuses for you to be a bum . this term is used for people who have nothing going for themselves & want to hold you down as well . they hate on you for having dreams and ambition . they tear down your efforts to get ahead in life . they pretend like they have your best interest in mind, but in all actuality ... you BOTH know that their suggestions are tainted .
you know you can hear it in their voice . they make little snide remarks to make you feel less inadequate . in their voice, you can see the jealousy in the air . you can taste it . you want to brush it off as their insecurities and you feel for them ...but at the same time , we are adults . when is enough ...enough ? we're too old not to know how to be good friends . we're too old not to take responsibility for our laziness and situation . you want to go off to college and your friends criticize you for it . you want to settle down with someone you care about and your friends tell you youre wack ? you want to pursue modeling on the side and your friends tear down your appearance ... "only joking of course" . you want to get ahead & they want you to stay behind , with them . Thats the thing about "enabler lowlifes" ... they dont want to pass you up in life , they just want you to be on the same ...low ... playing field .
dont get me too wrong . we have friends that genuinely want the best for us . we have friends who love us and want to see us happy . however, if your friend's suggestion makes absolutely no sense . Or if their suggestion only benefits them ... look a little deeper , analyze that friendship .
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