February is not a month . It is a time set aside to run around like chickens with our heads cut off because we don't have a love interest in our lives . Right after the shiny "New Year's" banners and pointy hats come down from the shelves, they are replaced with pink and red hearts, chocolate boxes, teddy bears, and love notes . I hear that people have been calling Valentine's Day 'Single Awareness Day' and rightfully so ... it is the time when people feel like they are the loneliest . Ladies, while people are out with their dates, you'll be throwing darts in the basement at your friends' mushy couple pictures . Fellas, while your boys are out with their eye candy, you'll be at home eating the nasty little heart candies that taste like chalk . I know, I know . I have been there .
Well i have to address the issues surrounding this holiday:
1. Everyone who says that Valentine's Day is stupid, superficial, and capitalist ... probably couldnt find a valentine lol .
2. Even the most negative, skeptical, self-righteous girl wants something for Valentine's day. She doesn't necessarily want extravagance ... but something . A love note, a gesture, something . She's lying if she says she doesn't . POINT PERIOD BLIZANK . lol
3. True, Valentine's day is a commercial, "hallmark" holiday . But why do people complain about the marketing of this holiday the most ? "because you cant buy love?" please . Companies profit off of EVERY HOLIDAY: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July ? no one complains about marketing gratefulness, Jesus' Birth, his resurrection, or independence ... let's be real here people . folks are just bitter & lonely around this time of year lol .
4. If you and your girls don't have Valentines ... GO OUT ! girls always say that they'll have a 'night in', eat some ice cream, and watch a movie . yayyyyy (little girl voice) ...no lol . Dress up in your "you missed out" dress, gorgeous shoes, get done up and go to dinner with a big group of girls who'll have better luck next year .
5. Valentine's day does not need to be a one day occurence . It should be celebrated all of the time because tomorrow isn't promised . If you love the person you are with, everyday should be the 14th (listen to: valentine's day - andre 3000).
6. Fellas, dont piss your girl off on purpose to try to get out of valentine's day plans . That will just get your car keyed and your clothes caught on fire .
7. Some more insight to guys. Girls love this holiday so much because it is your excuse to be open with them, be romantic, be thoughtful and generous. They can feel like a queen and appreciated. Trust me, your Valentine's day gestures do not go unnoticed either . she'll brag to her friends and make you feel like a king . Like i said, she'll feel like she's on top of the world [see #5] lol .
8. Ladies, if your man is on a budget ... do not press him . Sure, he should still make you feel beautiful and desired . However, dont expect a Tiffany's bracelet when he's strugglin to get a haircut . Be realistic and be reasonable . It's like Valentinezilla with some of you chicks .
9. I dont really care about Valentine's day. Its cool & all, but it doesnt make or break anything. Besides, Im thinking about my past Valentine's days & im gagging in my head . Dont be the person to make em memorable in that way . lol
10. Lastly, if you have someone special in your life at this time . . . stop what youre doing right now to thank God for them . You have NO IDEA how big of an ingredient God is in a healthy relationship . God is the only ingredient .really .*have a beautiful, caring, confident, secure ' love obsessed month' people :)
I really agree with you on 9...